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Deoband Unani Medical College

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Our Departments

Kuliyat deals with the unani medicine, history and ethics. This department is well maintained, well equipped and has a museum with a large number of charts, models. It also consists of a number of photos of Hakeems and unani institutions providing the knowledge regarding tibbe unani.

Department of Kulliyat

Anatomy is the study of structure and relationship between body parts as revealed by dissection. Furthermore, anatomy covers the systems such as the respiratory system, nervous system, gastrointestinal system, urogenital system, cardiovascular system, and reveals the human skeleton, muscles, and joints. Anatomy also includes comparative anatomy, histology, and surface anatomy. This department consists of a well-maintained museum with a lot of bones, models, charts, projectors, and microtome. A maintained and air-cooled dissection hall with cadavers.

Department of Tashreeh-ul-Badan

Munale-ul Aza is the science of the mechanical physical, and biochemical functions of humans ther organe, and the cells of which they are composed. This department is well maintained with equipment and instrument namely BMR Apparatus, Spirometer, Microtome, Kymograph tonometer, sphygmonsanometer and a lot of glass ware and chemical reagents for performing the practical of blood and unine and other physiological tabts.

Department of Munafe-ul-Aza

Tanaffan wa Samaj Tibb deals the condition or practice conductive to maintaining heath and preventing dibe This department has a museum with a lot of charts and modes, demonstrating a different method of prevention of discodes to fight against the pollution, sanitation,immuniozation and nutrition.

Department of Tahaffuzi-wa-Samaji Tibb

Tibbe Qaooni is the study, knowledge or science of law and toxicology the branch of science concem with the nature effect and detection of poisons. This department has museum with a large number of chards, models regarding hanging, strangulation, drowning wounds, finger prints, homicidal, suicidal and accidental death. This museum has different types of poisons and specimens

Department of
                                            Tibbe Qanooni-wa-llmus Samoom

llmul Advia is the branch of medicine concem with the uses, effects and mode of action of the drugs. Ilmul Advia department consist a vast museum, in this, a lot of specimen of unani advia and in preserved specimen of whole plants. There is a lot of chart demonstrating, mode of action, effects and elimination of drug. This department has a different kind of instrument regarding the manufacturing of unani drugs for demonstration and the department also has a pharmacy with a number of machines. equipments and instruments to manufacture of different types of unani medicines.

Department of llmul Advia-wa-saidla

Mcalejat its the science of practice of the diagnose treatment and prevention of diseasen Mouleiat is The feit of applied science and the art of healing. It OCATIPs a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and Imutment of ineus in human bangs This department as well maintained with equipments,instruments like ECG machine Ultrasound, X-ray etc and projectors for illustration od diseases.

Department of Moalejat

LLag Bit Tadbeer is the therapy that uses physical agents, exercise and massage and the other modalities. A well established centre of llaj bit Tadbeer is available in which treatment is given to the crippling/ailing patients with no or least use of drug. Various regimens which are practiced are Dalak, Riyazat, Hammam, Hajanat, Fasad, Arsala Aliq, Notool, Abzan etc moreover moderm physiotherapy modalities such as traction, TENS, mussles stimulator, ultrasonic massage, waxbath and shortwave diathermy etc. also available in regimental therapy department

Department of llaj-Bit-Tadbeer

Jarahat is the branch of medicine concemed with the treatment of disease, injury and deformity by physical operation or manipulation The Department of Jurahat has a number of equipments, instruments, charts, models and specimen. This department has a well equipped and fully AC Operation Theatres for Minor and Major surgeries.

Department of Jarahat

Amraz-e-Niswan is the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases and health of female reproductive system along with the health care of child and neonates. This department is well maintained and well equipped.

Department of Amraz-e-Niswan-wa-Atfal

llmul Qabalat is the branch of medicine related to pregnancy and child birth. Most women have uneventful pregnancies with no complications, but some pregnancies will require further care and attention. Part of obstetric care is to try to identify and prevent problems occurring during pregnancy and labour that could affect the health of both mother and unborn baby. This department has a museum which consist the equipments and instruments, charts and models, specimen for to identify the different complications during pregnancy and labour.

Department of llmul Qabalat

Ain,Uzn, Anaf-wa-Halaq is the branch of medicine specializing in anatomy, functions and diseases of Eye and Ear, Nose and Throat. This department is well maintained and well equipped like slit lamp, ophthalmoscope. Auroscope, tonometer and a large number of instruments for the operation.

Department of Ain-Uzn-Anaf-wa-Halaq

Amraz-e-Jild is medical specialty which focuses on the diagnosis of skin diseases and disorder. Amraz e Jild is the branch of medicine which focuses on the diagnosis of the skin diseases and disorder. This is a unique specialty with both medical and surgical aspects. Amnaz-e-Jild department is equipped with all necessary equipments for the care of diseases, in the widest sense, and some cosmetic problems of the skin, scalp, hair and nails and it also deals the Sexually Transmitted Disease such as AIDS, Gonorrhea etc.

Department of Amraz-e-Jild-wa-Zohrawiya

llmul Amraz is the branch of medical science which studies the nature, causes, development, process, consequences and effect of the disease. It does this by looking at changes in the tissues of the body, blood and other body fluids, llmul Amraz department has exclusive laboratory with sophisticated equipment and instrument namely Auto Analyzer, Microscopes, Centrifugal machines, colorimeter, hot Air Oven, Incubator, a large number of glass ware, plenty chemicals and reagents, different kinds of kits for biochemistry. A number of practical are performing in this lab likely Hematology Hb TLC, TEC, DLC, PC ESR, MCH, MCHC, PCV. MCV,GBP, CT, BT, Serology- Widal test, CRP HCG, RA factor. VDRL ABO, Malaria, HIV, Australion Antigen, Biochemistry- Blood sugar, Blood urea, Serum bilirubim, Uric Acid, Cretinin, SGPT, SGOT, ALP, Cholestrol, Triglyseride, Calcium, Total Protein, Urine analysis- Physical examination: Volume, Reaction, Specific gravity, Color, Appenance, Chemical examination: Sugar, Protein, Phosphate, Ketones bodies, Bile salts, Bile pigment & Microscopic examination, Semenogram. Stool Examination, Physical examination, Occult blood & Micrscopic examination.

Department of llmul Amraz-wa-Sareeriyat