Why Choose B.U.M.S.?
The career in BUMS and higher grades is a very rewarding career for those who are interested in Science and dealing with sick people. This profession requires a lot of hard work and gives the satisfaction of curing patients from sickness.
After BUMS, post graduate level studies (MD or MS in Unani) can be conducted and there are many specializations including General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, and Physiology.
Job Opportunities in B.U.M.S.
- 1. In Government or private hospitals
- 2. In charitable institutions
- 3. In medical colleges and training institutes as teachers
- 4. In research institutes and medical colleges as researchers
- 5. Private practice

Skills Required for B.U.M.S. Career
The candidate opting to pursue a career in this field must possess:
- Good memory and recollecting ability
- Service mentality
- Stamina and patience
- Power of concentration
- Emotional stability
- Logical and analytical mind

Duration of Course
Main Course: 4 years and 6 months duration shall be divided into three professional examinations, 18 months each.
1 Year (unpaid) Rotational Internship will be compulsory for the students who have passed B.U.M.S final Prof. They will do their rotatory Internship duty in the Hospital for 12 months.
B.U.M.S. Subjects for Examination
Ist Professional
S.no | Subjects | Theory Paper | Practicals |
1. | Tashreeh-ul-Badan (Anatomy) | Two (Paper A & B) | One |
2. | Munafe-ul-aza (Physiology) | Two (Paper A & B) | One |
3. | Umoor-e-Tabaiya | Two (Paper A & B) | One |
4. | Mantiq, Falsafa wa Haiyat | One Paper | - |
5. | Arabic | One Paper | - |
6. | Tarikh-e-Tib | One Paper | - |
IInd Professional
S.no | Subjects | Theory Paper | Practicals |
1. | Ilmul Advia I (Kulliyat & Mufradat) | Two (Paper A & B) | One |
2. | Ilmul Advia II (Murakkabat & Saidla) | Two (Paper A & B) | One |
3. | Ilmul Amraz and Sareeriyat (Pathology & Bed side clinic) | Two (Paper A & B) | One |
4. | Ilmul Samoom and Tib-e-Qanooni (Medical Jurisprudence & Toxicology) | Two (Paper A & B) | One |
5. | Tahaffuzi-o-Samaji Tib (Hygiene [Hifzan-e-Sehat]) | Two (Paper A & B) | One |
IIIrd Professional
S.no | Subjects | Theory Paper | Practicals |
1. | Moalijat I | Two (Paper A & B) | One |
2. | Moalijat II | Two (Paper A & B) | One |
3. | Jarahiyat (Surgery) | Two (Paper A & B) | One |
4. | Amraz-e-Ain, Uzn, Anaf wa Halaq (Ophthalmology & ENT) | Two (Paper A & B) | One |
5. | Ilmul Qabala Niswan wa Atfal (Gynaecology, Obstetrics & Pediatrics) | Two (Paper A & B) | One |